Avoid getting loans here. First of all, they doxx you and want to know irrelevant parts of your life. Then they will very, veeeery slowly respond to any requests for information (if they respond at all), but they’ll send out those …
The tellers and other staff are pretty nice, but their “policies” are ridiculous. I have banked here for 26 years… Yet that gets you absolutely no loyalty benefits or trust with them. They wouldn’t even let me cash my son’s check when I’m …
I love the customer service.
Incompetence from top to bottom.
Avoid getting loans here. First of all, they doxx you and want to know irrelevant parts of your life. Then they will very, veeeery slowly respond to any requests for information (if they respond at all), but they’ll send out those …
The tellers and other staff are pretty nice, but their “policies” are ridiculous. I have banked here for 26 years… Yet that gets you absolutely no loyalty benefits or trust with them. They wouldn’t even let me cash my son’s check when I’m …